Wed · Feb 3

Hacker News Highlights

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Here's a roundup of some of our favorite recent moments on Hacker News.

NASA veteran Paul Lutus comments in a thread about the Challenger Space Shuttle disaster with his own story of forcing a safety improvement to the space shuttle.

Visit the thread on Hacker News.

A 'Show HN' of a space shooter game written in QBasic helps a commenter remember a similar project from their teen years.

Visit the thread on Hacker News.

An expert comment about the obscure video tape format used to tape the first Super Bowl, from an HN user who worked for “the one guy who refurbishes them” 25 years ago.

Visit the thread on Hacker News.

A great thread about "unfashionable" programming languages.

Visit the thread on Hacker News.

A Turing Machine emulator implemented in TECO from Martin Minsky's home directory (this particular thread is from 2015, but was brought up again in tribute threads after his recent passing.)

Visit the thread on Hacker News.

If you experience a thoughtful, surprising or delightful moment on HN, submit your suggestions to us for future HN Highlights via

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